We are currently exploring our motto. “Developing a community devoted to Jesus” in a series we have titled together. The most recent video can be found here and on our home page. Previous Sundays can be watched on our YouTube channel.

The audio message history can be found below. Click the triangle to play and listen. It may take a short while for the file to download enough to play.

Alternatively you can download the file using the link to the right and listen at your convenience.

18:06:2023 Together 10. A community devoted to spiritual formation
Nathan Anderson
11:06:2023 Together 09. A community that carries one anothers burdens
David McCormick
04:06:2023 Together 08. A community that values hospitality
Will Warren
28:05:2023 Together 07. A community where I participate
Richard Hewitson
21:05:2023 Together 06. A community where I belong
Nathan Anderson
14:05:2023 Together 05. A community where grace is in place
Will Warren
07:05:2023 Together 04. A community without walls
Roger Lindsay
30:04:2023 Together 03. A gospel centred community
Nathan Anderson
23:04:2023 Together 02. A community that follows closely
Will Warren
16:04:2023 Together 01. A church with a vision
Will Warren