What’s on at Milltown


Sunday Mornings


2 11am Joseph - Will Warren - Tea and coffee
9 11am Joseph - Will Warren - Communion
16 11am Joseph - Jonny McCullough - Baptism - Tea and coffee
23 11am Joseph - Will Warren - Communion
23      7pm Sunday Evening at Milltown

Wednesday evenings

5 Prayer meeting at 7:30pm
12 Life groups in homes, contact Barbara Craig or Roger Lindsay
19 Prayer meeting at 7:30pm
26 Life groups in homes


Beta group

Meets for fellowship, prayer and Bible Study, We also have lots of tea & cakes. We normally meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the Church, at 2.30- 4pm.
Contact Richard Hewitson or Florence Corrigan.
This month February 4th and 18th


For women. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm for Tea and Coffee for half an hour when the meeting will begin at 7.30pm.  We will be having informal discussion in small groups followed by prayer for each other. The purpose of meeting together is to encourage each other to Thrive in our christian lives.
- Contact Angie Fitzsimmons. Our next meeting is 18th February.


Time for Men

Games chat and toast for any men free during the day
Meets every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 10.30 - 12.30
February 12th and 26th - Contact Richard Hewitson
- Contact Richard Hewitson

Three C's

Stands for Craft, Coffee & Chat! Tea & biscuits are also available. The ladies enjoy knitting, craft and each other’s company. Meets every 2nd & 4th Wednesday, from 11.00 – 12.30. - Contact Jean Hewitson
For February
12th Reminiscing
26th What do you know?


Fellowship hour

For seniors in the Church and Community. A time to chat over  Tea coffee and refreshments. We usually have a visiting speaker and gentle exercises!
This month 6th February

Kids for Christ

Kids for Christ is our kids club for children at primary school. (P1-P7)
We meet on Thursdays at 6.30 to 7.30, there is a story, quiz, games and songs.
We are off 13th Feb for half term.


Tiny Tots

A fun morning for pre school Tiny tots and their carers Friday mornings during School term starting at 10am ending at 11:30am. We are off 14th Feb for half term.